Our Network S. Aggarwal

S. Aggarwal (India)

Area of Expertise: ,

Aggarwal has been working since 2006 in the field of design as an architect. He started working on CAD projects early on during the initial years of his Master’s degree in Architecture. He has been handling projects for the building construction industry ever since. His favorite tools are AutoCAD 2D and 3D, Google SketchUp and Photoshop.

During the course of his Master’s degree in Sheffield in the UK, he got an opportunity to design his university campus in 3D using AutoCAD 3D, which further led him to get many projects with clients in Sheffield. For one such client he planned a design for a church, an entire interior as well as an exterior plan using AutoCAD 3D.

He came back to India around 2010 and ever since then he has been serving his clients in the UK remotely. He has been making use of Skype and Zoom to communicate with them and other clients located outside India.

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