CAD Services Architectural Detailing Services Floor Plans & Real Estate Brochures

Floor Plans & Real Estate Brochures

Real Estate BrochureFloor plans have become an essential aid to the selling of properties, and Design Presentation is a leading provider of floor plan conversion services to real estate agents. We have prepared hundreds of thousands of floor plans over the past two decades. To get started, click here to use our online Get-A-Quote form. Alternatively, use the button to the right of this paragraph to order a complete customized real estate brochure, integrating your floor plans, photos and text.

Why Outsourcing Floor Plans Makes Real Estate Agents Shine: Focus on Selling, Not Sketching

In today’s competitive real estate market, presentation is paramount. One often-overlooked element holds immense power: the simple floor plan. A well-drawn floor plan breathes life into a listing, giving potential buyers and renters a clear understanding of the property’s layout, flow, and functionality. But the question arises: should real estate agents invest in floor plan software and create them themselves? Or should they outsource this task to a company like Design Presentation? Here’s a compelling case for outsourcing floor plans and why it ultimately empowers agents to focus on their core strengths.

The Efficiency Advantage: Time Saved is Money Earned

Real estate is a fast-paced industry. Agents juggle multiple listings, client meetings, negotiations, and open houses. Learning new software, mastering its intricacies, and then meticulously crafting floor plans for each property eats into valuable time. Outsourcing eliminates this burden. In fact, professional floor plan service companies like Design Presentation can handle everything from scheduling on-site visits to generating accurate and visually appealing plans. This frees up time for agents to focus on what they do best: building relationships with clients, generating leads, and closing deals.

Cost-Effectiveness: Beyond Software Fees

The initial cost of floor plan software can seem attractive. However, consider the hidden expenses. Learning curves can lead to wasted hours and subpar results. Additionally, high-quality software that produces professional-looking plans often comes with hefty subscription fees. Outsourcing offers a cost-effective solution, and Design Presentation’s rates are extremely competitive within the floor plan preparation industry. In short, you’re leveraging the expertise of professionals who have mastered the use of the software. Our experts can deliver a superior product in less time.

Expertise Makes the Difference: Professional Polish

Creating a clear, accurate, and visually appealing floor plan is more than just drawing walls and doors. Experienced floor plan designers understand the nuances of real estate marketing. They know how to highlight key features, like spacious living areas or well-designed kitchens. Moreover, they can ensure the scale is accurate and the layout is easy to understand.

Design Presentation offers extra features that can significantly enhance a listing. For example, you can opt for 3D floor plans, which allow potential buyers to virtually walk through the space, or furnishing suggestions that help buyers visualize the property’s potential. These add-ons can significantly elevate a listing and give you a competitive edge.

Scalability on Demand: Adapting to a Dynamic Market

The number of listings an agent handles can fluctuate. Therefore, you need to be able to scale up your floor plan production from time to time. By outsourcing floor plan production, you can do this easily. Need plans for a single property? No problem. Have a sudden influx of listings? Design Presentation’s reliable floor plan service can accommodate your needs without requiring additional software licenses or training.

Marketing Magic: Consistency and Branding

Professional floor plan services ensure a consistent and polished look across all your listings. This consistency builds brand recognition and fosters trust with potential clients. Additionally, some companies (e.g. Design Presentation) offer the option to incorporate your logo and branding elements into the plans. This will further solidify your professional image.

Beyond the Floor Plan: A Streamlined Workflow

Outsourcing creates a streamlined workflow. You submit a sketch, and Design Presentation’s floor plan conversion service takes care of the rest. As a result, you can avoid having to buy floor plan software, learning how to use floor plan software (e.g. AutoCAD) or spending time using the software to create the floor plans. This allows you to focus on client communication and marketing activities.

Focus on Your Strengths: Where Agents Truly Shine

Real estate agents are skilled negotiators, market experts, and client advocates. Their time is best spent on these core strengths. Outsourcing floor plans allows them to do what they do best – build relationships, secure deals, and ensure client satisfaction. Thus, by leveraging the expertise of professionals, agents can elevate their listings, attract more qualified leads, and ultimately close more deals.

In Conclusion: Investing in Yourself by Outsourcing

Ultimately, the decision to outsource floor plans is an investment in yourself and your business. It’s about maximizing your time, resources, and expertise. By allowing professionals to handle floor plans, you free yourself to focus on the high-touch, client-centric aspects of real estate. Thus, it’s a win-win situation, leading to stronger listings, happier clients, and a flourishing real estate business.

How to outsource the preparation of floor plans for real estate marketing purposes?

Design Presentation is the answer. We are a leading provider of CAD and Graphic Services to Fortune 500 companies, government entities and thousands of small businesses around the world. As one of the leading floor plan drafting companies in the world, we are trusted by thousands of customers around the world. In addition to floor plans, we offer customized real estate brochures that combine your photography and floor plans.

In fact, our service is designed to meet the needs of property professionals. Here are just a few reasons why we are one of the leaders in this field:

  • Simple to use
  • Fast high quality results
  • Unbeatable value for money
  • Flexibility: we can meet you particular specifications
  • No minimum contract period

Essentially, we make it easier for real estate agents to enable buyers and renters to visualize a property.

Not all floor plans are the same. We provide floor plans with full dimensions and room names. Also, we can combine the floor plans with photographs to create a persuasive real estate brochure. Moreover, we can supply floor plans in any format to achieve optimal web and print quality.

Benefits for Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents use floor plans as a marketing tool. Starting out as a rough sketch, a floor plan can be redrawn by a skilled draftsman as a 2D graphic or 3D rendering. It showcases the attractions that a property presents for potential buyers or renters.

For a real estate agent, floor plans can visually explain to buyers and renters how they can use a particular space. In fact, a good floor plan is not really a technical drawing, but a kind of rendering that can help you sell or rent out a property.

For a buyer or renter, a professional-looking floor plan can clinch the deal. Given that physical viewing is not always convenient, floor plans help give clients confidence and it saves them time too.

Design Presentation’s sketch-to-floor plan conversion service has the following advantages:

  • No software required. We will use any software you specify, or will use our usual software (e.g. AutoCAD).
  • No time spent learning CAD or preparing floor plans.
  • Higher quality output, because our floor plan team are experts in this domain.
  • Fast turnaround because we work around the clock, six days a week.
  • We can accept any form of original input files (e.g. sketches, photos, etc.), and we can also enhance existing designs.
Contact us today for a free quote, or use our free online floor plan creation tool to do create a floor plan yourself.
Floor Plan Samples

2D Floor Plans


French Floor Plan


French Floor Plan


French Floor Plan


French Floor Plan


French Floor Plan


French Floor Plan


French Floor Plan


French Floor Plan

Japanese Floor Plans


Japanese floor plans


Japanese floor plans


Japanese floor plans


Japanese floor plans


Japanese floor plans


Japanese floor plans


Japanese floor plans


Japanese floor plans


Floor Plan Samples


Floor Plan Samples